God Is in Control of Our Steps and Our Stops

The Lord orders my steps. He is in control of today. Nothing can thwart His plans.

Sue Z Mcgray God Is in Control of Our Steps and Our Stops

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God Is in Control

Recently the Director of the Women’s Ministry at our church made the comment that “God orders our steps and our stops.” As I thought about that I googled the phrase and learned there are several blogs that discuss this truth. Most of us have often heard the first part of that statement

(Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way)

but what about the second part “and our stops.” Take a moment to meditate upon that thought.

Most of us have had moments in our lives that if we had acted when we first intended, bad results could have occurred. As an example, perhaps we were delayed on travelling on a highway then learned that a horrible accident had occurred and perhaps that could have involved us if we left when we first intended. The Bible clearly teaches us that God does order our steps. He guides us and directs us. But He also orders our stops. Sometimes we stop for an assignment, sometimes we stop for rest, sometimes we stop because the specific task is completed. God does order our stops. Yes, God orders both our steps and our stops so how can we Trust Him to do that?

First, seek His will and pray before every action. Always look for His direction, His plan and His will in your life. Some doors are closed to us, for our good.

Second, constantly look in God’s direction. When we were children, most of us knew by looking at our parents if our actions were right or wrong. A simple expression with their eyes could let us know whether we should proceed or stop. Our Heavenly Father does the same thing. Look in His direction. My mom used to say, “Let your conscious be your guide”. I knew that she was saying, God’s Spirt will guide you and you’ll know if you’re out of His will.

Third, when we know what He wants us to do, we should do it. He will give us peace, even if we are afraid. We’ll have that peace if we live our lives on God’s perfect timing. He does want to order our steps and stops.

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

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I have written a book entitled “Becoming Visible-Letting Go of the Things that Hide Your True Beauty” and now I am writing a blog that shares my heart with women everywhere.

Please share my website: www.suezmcgray,com and sign up to receive my new posts as we publish them. You can also get a copy of my book through the website.

“A dream is a goal that is created within the heart.” - Sue McGray

Sue is a motivational speaker whose life was transformed by Christ. She wants to encourage and minister to other women who struggle with a lack of self-worth, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, shame, and regret.

Inspire. Influence. Impact!

Sue McGray is the Regional Director for Christian Women In Media.