Someone is Watching (and Listening)

Your life is a ministry. People are watching you whether you know it or not.

Sue Z Mcgray Someone is Watching

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Someone is Watching (and Listening)

Your life is a ministry. People are watching you whether you know it or not.

A few weeks ago, our pastor reminded us during one of his sermons that people are watching us. Shortly after that I attended a funeral home visitation and a lady approached me and said she has been watching me for many years and my life was an inspiration to her. I was surprised and immediately was reminded of the words in that sermon. My husband once told me of an incident in his life when a person approached him and told him that he had been watching him pray over meals at restaurants and he was impressed by that consistent faithfulness. He also talked to a mutual friend last week, whom we have not seen for many years, and she related a Bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11, that he shared with her over twenty years ago that has stayed with her all that time. I say these things not for our glory but as a reminder that we, as Christians, are “on stage” all the time. Has anyone told you they have been watching you?
Ask yourself who is watching me?

  • Our children and grandchildren are watching us. Children tend to emulate what they see from their parents and other adults. Are they seeing a Godly person every time they see us? I’ve heard that more is caught than is taught. What is being caught from us? A friend recently reminisced about her father and said he gave her many important lessons on life, and one was integrity. She said as a child she watched her father on occasions when he realized that a salesperson had given him too much change and he always returned it. Many years after his death she still has that visual ingrained into her being. Deuteronomy 6:4 says “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children.” We are to, not only tell them, but also live properly before them.
  • Other Christians also watch us. It is sad, but fellow Christians often watch, and listen to us with inappropriate motives. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus in Chapter 29:4 “No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear.” Is our talk and actions giving rise to those who can use it against the cause of Christ or to uplift it? Too often Christians spread gossip and say things about others that are harmful. A member of our church recently commented on another member by saying she has watched him over the years, and she desires that her witness be as strong as his. She has been watching and listening to him and has found him to exemplify the attributes of a Christlike person.
  • Non-Christians are watching us. Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven”. Jesus gave us the responsibility to bring light into a dark world. When non-Christians are watching us, are they seeing someone who has the light of God or are they seeing more of the same darkness that fills their lives? I know of people who proudly say they “told someone about Jesus” but their words and actions are inconsistent with how Christians are commanded to live. People are watching our behavior and listening to our words in order to evaluate us.

As we live our lives, we must always remember that others are watching and listening to us. We must be vigilant and consistent in our walk with Christ. It is important to remember that others are watching where we go, what we do, what we say and how we respond to life.

Someone is watching and listening. The spotlight is always on Christians.

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I have written a book entitled “Becoming Visible-Letting Go of the Things that Hide Your True Beauty” and now I am writing a blog that shares my heart with women everywhere.

Please share my website: www.suezmcgray,com and sign up to receive my new posts as we publish them. You can also get a copy of my book through the website.

“A dream is a goal that is created within the heart.” - Sue McGray

Sue is a motivational speaker whose life was transformed by Christ. She wants to encourage and minister to other women who struggle with a lack of self-worth, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, shame, and regret.

Inspire. Influence. Impact!

Sue McGray is the Regional Director for Christian Women In Media.