We are on mission from God-Every Encounter We Have Matters.
We all experience untold thousands of encounters during our lifetime. Some of the people we meet are for a reason, some a season and others for a lifetime. Some encounters come unexpectedly while others are planned. God orchestrates encounters for us to serve His purpose and to help us grow.
Some of the people we meet are for a reason, some a season and others for a lifetime.
God’s will for you includes understanding that He loves you and wants you to experience all He created for you. That includes being on assignment for Him. He places people in our lives each day that we can enrich or be enriched by. To maximize the potential of these God given encounters we must take each new encounter as being potentially life changing and possibly a divine appointment.
It is my desire to guide you to understand the importance each encounter you experience.
Speaker & Coach

What people are saying:
Sue shares her personal journey as a vehicle to grow and encourage others. Don’t miss her message.
Reyna Anderson –
The BackPorch Gathering
Titles & Recognition
- Nationally recognized Speaker and Author
- Radio, television and internet show guest speaker
- Blogger
- Board Member for Christian Women in Media Association
- Business Coach
- Counselor and Mentor for Women Experiencing Domestics Abuse

“Life Changing Encounters and Divine Appointments”
Latest Blogs
Helping Every Woman to Rise, Sue McGray, COFFEE with Kim Crabill
Tune in as Sue McGray walks us through her own journey to leadership and shares secrets she has learned…
Are You Listening?
Listening is a lost art in modern society. I often attend meetings and presentations during which a speaker is addressing a room full of people…
Our Present Times
I already had written a message to share with you, but the Holy Spirit led me to change direction, considering the events presently occurring.
“A dream is a goal that is created within the heart.” - Sue McGray
Sue is a motivational speaker whose life was transformed by Christ. She wants to encourage and minister to other women who struggle with a lack of self-worth, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, shame, and regret.