Are You Confined to a Comfort Zone?

Our comfort zone is where our brain doesn’t want anything to change. … Getting out of our comfort zone from time to time creates just enough good stress to ramp up our focus, creativity, pace, and drive, and it helps us respond to life stress when unexpected things happen.

Sue Z Mcgray Comfort Zone

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Comfort Zone

A few years ago, I began attending meetings of Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA). Later, I was honored to become the Nashville area Director. I am amazed at this wonderful group of Christian women that come together for education, inspiration, networking and encouraging others. They are authors, speakers, publishers, are involved in social media, television, radio, the arts and entertainment. These women have exited their comfort zones to serve God using the gifts He has given them. There are a few common denominators these women possess. Many have experienced hardships in life and have risen above them. At our last meeting we listened to a woman who recently authored a book after experiencing years of struggle dealing with the murder of her father.

Many of these women have suffered through domestic violence, sexual abuse, drug and/or alcohol addition, emotional trauma, career loss and a myriad of other of life’s discouragements. It would have been easy for them to live their lives mired in their situations, but they chose to rise above them. God has given them a voice and a desire to minister to others for the Glory of their Savior. They were in a zone, it would be difficult to categorize it as a comfort zone, but with God’s help moved into a victory zone. When you listen to their stories about where they began their journeys you will hear words like fear, uncertainty, and confusion. With God’s help you now hear words like victory, joy, satisfaction, completeness, faith and service. Of course, a critical question is not only what we are doing but more importantly, why we are doing it. What we do, should be about glorifying the Lord and not ourselves.

These are women like you and me, but they chose to overcome their fears and leave the zone they were living in to become victorious in Christ. Now they proclaim victory through their books, blogs, television programs, music and many other vehicles. They all have ministries that have been given them by God to share their stories for His glory. I vividly recall a time when a friend, repeatedly said, “you need to tell your story and write a book”. He said, don’t let what you’ve lived be wasted. I was afraid to undertake the writing of a book. One of my greatest fears in life is making a fool of myself. I felt like Moses when he made excuses as God was calling him to leave his comfort zone, face his challenges and lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. With God’s help, I wrote my book and many people have told me it has had a positive impact on their lives for Christ. Sadly, many people tell me they have always wanted to write a book but did not dare try it.

I am told that long distance runners always come to a point called “the wall” where they feel like they can run no farther. They either quit or keep facing the challenge. Once they pass through the wall it gets easier. It is a matter of choice whether we pass through the wall of self-doubt and fear to accomplish the things God places on our hearts. One of my favorite sayings is “If you can dream it, you can achieve it”. When God places a dream in your heart, He will give you the tools to achieve your dream. He did it for Moses, and with the women in CWIMA and he will do it for you. Do you really believe the promises of God? Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through God who strengthens me”. Do you truly believe that promise? If yes, then get out of your comfort zone and let God lead to a place where you can fulfill your dreams and be a witness for him in the process.

Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through God who strengthens me”.

Attitude – It Is Your Choice

Many people have endured hardships and difficulties in life that has left them disappointed. Their youthful dreams have not turned out the way they had hoped. In the book of Ruth, we read about a woman named Naomi that has experienced a tough time in life.

Every Encounter Matters

Each day, as we go through life, we have encounters that have the potential of altering the direction of our life or of that of someone else.

The Holy Spirit’s Nudging

The start of a new year is a time for making changes and trying new things. People seem to be more open at the beginning of a new year to learn new things and even sometimes, secretly, wish for a do-over year.

Biblical View Toward Abuse

Welcome to my first Blog. I’m excited to have you join me in my new journey. I have a passion for women who either have or are now living with the effects of emotional or physical abuse.

Helping Every Woman to Rise, Sue McGray, COFFEE with Kim Crabill

Tune in as Sue McGray walks us through her own journey to leadership and shares secrets she has learned…

Everyone Needs Affirmation

“If you’re not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.”
― Will Smith

A Woman’s Beauty

As a Christian woman, remember that you are: Valuable. Beautiful. Created by a perfect God.

Whispers from My Heart

Over the years God has placed many women in my life who have needed love and encouragement. I have found that many women are living lives that are impacted by the negatively culture they were raised in…

God Is in Control of Our Steps and Our Stops

Recently the Director of the Women’s Ministry at our church made the comment that “God orders our steps and our stops.” As I thought about that I googled the phrase and learned there are several blogs that discuss this truth.

Who Are You?

Recently my husband and I went to see the new faith-based movie “Overcomer” and as we watched one of the scenes a question was asked that gave me pause.

Best AntiVirus Solutions  2019 and 2020

I have written a book entitled “Becoming Visible-Letting Go of the Things that Hide Your True Beauty” and now I am writing a blog that shares my heart with women everywhere.

Please share my website: www.suezmcgray,com and sign up to receive my new posts as we publish them. You can also get a copy of my book through the website.

“A dream is a goal that is created within the heart.” - Sue McGray

Sue is a motivational speaker whose life was transformed by Christ. She wants to encourage and minister to other women who struggle with a lack of self-worth, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, shame, and regret.

Inspire. Influence. Impact!

Sue McGray is the Regional Director for Christian Women In Media.