Whispers from My Heart
Encouraging Women to Achieve Success in Life
Sue Z. McGray
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Whispers from My Heart
Over the years God has placed many women in my life who have needed love and encouragement. I have found that many women are living lives that are impacted by the negatively culture they were raised in or a marriage or relationship with men who do not respect them, control them and often physically abuse them.
I understand that from a personal perspective as I lived in a toxic marriage for over thirty years. I found help and redemption through the love of Christ and other Christian women who encouraged and loved me. God has placed a passion in my heart for women and a desire to let the love of Christ work through me to uplift and encourage other women, just as other Christian women have loved and uplifted me.
I have written a book entitled “Becoming Visible-Letting Go of the Things that Hide Your True Beauty” and now I am writing a blog that shares my heart with women everywhere, My blog is entitled “Whispers from My Heart”. I hope you will find the things that God has placed on my heart will be a blessing and encouragement. If you do, please encourage others join in this journey of love.
Please share my website: www.suezmcgray,com and sign up to receive my new posts as we publish them. You can also get a copy of my book through the website.
Most importantly, I solicit your prayers that God will use me to make a difference for him in the lives of women.
“A dream is a goal that is created within the heart.” - Sue McGray
Sue is a motivational speaker whose life was transformed by Christ. She wants to encourage and minister to other women who struggle with a lack of self-worth, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, shame, and regret.